
Symbiosis is the result of my undergoing research and collecting footage in the area of Crissy Field in San Francisco. The site depicted in the  scene is located between the Golden Gate Bridge and a Crissy Field Center, the center that engages in experimental practices. Namely, it keeps up with advancing technology and at the same time, utilizes nature's gifts.

Five vertical-axis turbines placed by the center capture the wind that rushes through the Golden Gate, with its average speed of 10.5 miles per hour in the area. 

The futuristic looking turbines, along with the 28kW solar panel array, are some of the ways to maximize the use of natural elements and to help off-set the electricity that the building would otherwise need from the PG&E grid. Solar thermal hot water and rainwater are utilized at the site too. 

And why is Crissy Field Center engaging in these experimental practices?

One of the information boards in front of the building reads "What if each building was able to supply its own energy and water? What would our world be like? And what would our future look like?".

Excerpts from the publication, And the Whole World Stops.