Labyrinth. Place In Space, Drama In Time

Created during artist residency at Headlands Center for the Arts in Marin Headlands, CA, 2015.

Labyrinth. Place In Space, Drama In Time. is a visual and audio exploration of Marin Headlands. 

The visuals and audio used here were collected both recorded and created during my 10 week long residency at Headlands Center For the Arts in Marin Headlands. 

"A labyrinth is a single winding path that takes one to a center place and back out again. It is not a path or maze, nor does it have multiple paths or dead ends. Labyrinths have been used by many cultures for thousands of years. Walking a labyrinth can foster meditation, contemplation, and relaxation. There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Begin at the outermost edge and follow the path to the center. At the center you may wish to take a moment to reflect. To complete the journey, retrace the path from the center outward." - "Scott Street Labyrinth", engraved on the wall at Duboce Park in San Francisco, CA